Sarita lives in Burigaun, in the district of Bardiya, central Nepal and is the inspiration behind much of the Nepal embroidery offered through this store. She was eleven when her father Shayam Bahadur was taken away by the police, never to reappear. After being forced to leave the village with her mother and brother, Sarita showed courage and resilience in getting her life back together. An experienced seamstress, she agreed to lead embroidery training for other family members of the disappeared in Bardiya in 2016. She produced a story about her father for the Bardiya Memorial Quilts in 2019 and trained the other women to make Tiger bags. Soon into the pandemic, in 2020, Sarita stitched 200 face-masks for a local clinic. She also used embroidery to describe the loneliness and depression felt by her and her mother for the Nepal COVID Quilt. Sarita works full-time for a nonprofit but remains close friends with her former pupils.
Sarita and her friends have one more achievement to their credit. Through their embroidery projects they have introduced a new style of fiber art, particular to this region of Nepal. This is based around punch-needle embroidery in which the needle is pushed down and back to produce heavy looping on one side and exquisitely detailed stitching on the other.
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