Neeta Chaudhary

Bardiya, Nepal

Neeta, 22, lives near Burigaun in the district of Bardiya, central Nepal. Neeta was a baby when her brother disappeared during the conflict. She was introduced to embroidery by her sister Geeta, another talented artist and one of the founding members of an embroidery cooperative that formed in 2017 with help from The Advocacy Project. Neeta received three months of tailoring training with Alina, another cooperative member, during the COVID-19 pandemic and this helped her to acquire the skills and motivation. Neeta has put both to good use in her two delightful blocks about the Dashain and Maghi festivals that are on sale through this store. Neeta is looking for a regular source of income. In the meantime, she says, her earnings from this project provide badly-needed pocket money. What's more, she likes being with the other artists!

Work by Neeta