Trish, 22, lives in Epworth, Zimbabwe. Known for her friendliness, work ethic and leadership skills, Trish was one of the first “girl ambassadors” selected by Women Advocacy Project to head the WAP program to empower girls in 2019. She is also one of only four girls that produce Clean Girl soap for the WAP program and was also one of the first WAP girls to learn embroidery. Trish helped to organize the training for the Zimbabwe Child Marriage Quilt and the Zimbabwe COVID Quilt and produced strong blocks for both quilts. Money is still a big challenge for Trish and her family, however. She lost her mother when she was young, leaving her father to raise Trish and her sister alone. This has prevented Trish from going to university, although she has completed a nursing aid program and hopes one day to return to school and become an ambulance technician. The best part of embroidery for Trish is that it allows her to joke around with her friends.